Combining three or more windows together so that they angle out beyond the house wall. They can be casement, double-hung or picture units depending on the need. By using more windows, bay and bow windows allow more light in and also give you extra space inside your room.
You bought a home and you know it needed some upgrades and updates to get it to the point where it was a reflection of your individuality and it made a statement about you as the owner. Fresh outdoor exterior updates like landscaping, a new driveway, replacement eavestroughs and new accents for the personal touch all spoke to the initiatives you had envisioned when you bought your house. But there are other upgrades that need to be made that will present you home as a stately estate, and in the context of the upgrade, it could be a financial windfall for you as a homeowner. When you look at the house, you see your windows look ‘tired’ and they don’t compliment the upgrades you have made to modernize the exterior of the home.
The first thing any homeowner does when they hear replacement windows is to recoil in shock due to the upfront costs of replacement windows. But don’t let the price scare you, the costs of the replacement windows will be returned to you over time through savings in energy consumption. The costs of less than energy efficient windows – windows made 10 years ago or more – is staggering when you get right down to the costs associated with windows that have little or no energy efficiency associated with them.
At Everlast Home, we have demonstrated to many homeowners the advantages of energy efficient windows and how the costs can be recovered through reduced heating and cooling bills.
We work with Everlast Home, a Canadian company with decades of experience manufacturing quality replacement windows for every application, and their windows speak for themselves.
Bay windows
When you install a bay window in your home you are making a statement that says you are confident, strong and you feel that your home is the most beautiful on the block. A bay window sits in the middle of the main wall of the front of your home and it receives a great deal of natural light that it beams into your living room. In the past, bay windows have been a rounded sectional window – almost crescent shaped – that protrudes beyond the existing boundaries of the wall it is inserted to. Now, bay windows are more geometric in design and they have a large window panel in the middle with the side windows sitting at an angle to the frame.
Bay windows can add space to your front room via the protrusion sits out over the base of the wall and many bay windows have been designed to accommodate a bench in the centre panel for seating that residents can use to enjoy the view that a bay window provides.
Bow windows
Bow windows share some similarities to their cousins’ bay windows; they expand the size of a room through the protrusion that is the selling point for the window and let in more actual light than flat, conventional windows. But that is where the similarities end and the bow windows difference become relevant. A bow window isn’t geometrically shaped – meaning it isn’t a flat piece of glass that two other pieces of glass set at an angle to the glass centre. Bow windows contain a number of panels – five usually – and are set so that the window takes a crescent shape to it. Also, different from bay windows is the fact the bow windows will open to allow ventilation – you can have just one panel open or more depending on taste.